
教授 Professor
阿部 憲二
Kenji Abe
法学部 法律学科 外国語センター長
専門分野 国際社会病理
学位 教育学博士(Ed.D.)
最終学歴 サンフランシスコ大学教育学部博士課程 国際化に伴う社会教育学科 修了
着任年月日 2002-09-01
研究概要 日米の凶悪犯罪(家庭環境と犯行タイプ/人格形成)、及び、国々に共通して見られる社会病理問題(社会問題を生み出すメカニズム/潜在力学)の研究を通し、真に健全で平和な社会のあり方を追求
教育概要 2015年ノーベル平和賞に初めて広島・長崎の被爆者代表を公式名誉来賓として招致
KENJI ABE. True Identity of Islamic Terrorists. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 96-99. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000448
KENJI ABE. The 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history and the perpetrators’ family environments. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 96-102. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000446
KENJI ABE. Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, and SpreeKillers: Three Factors Decide the Murder Typeon the Same Continuum. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 137-141. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000444
KENJI ABE. Family Environment Decides Motives of SerialKillers . International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 46-48. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000441
KENJI ABE. Eight Types of Family Backgrounds that Actually Produced Serial Killers Based on the Information in Lay Literature and on the Internet-Revised. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 8, Issue 2,, 53-62. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000439
KENJI ABE. The New World Order: Nine Things We Can Do to Change the World. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 9-52. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000447
KENJI ABE. Are Dictators Psychopaths? . International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 49-52. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000436
KENJI ABE. Mass Shootings in the U.S.—Why Are they Happening so Often?. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2020, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 70-79. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000448
KENJI ABE. A Paradigm Shift of Human Civilization. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 2019, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 100-105. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000435
阿部憲二. A possible environmental pattern to develop psychopathy: Re-examine Cleckley. European Journal of Academic Essays, 2(7). 2017, 75-82.
阿部憲二. Exploitation of mammals as a possible factor of social pathology. European Journal of Academic Essays, 2(7). 2017, 5-17.
阿部憲二. The only solution for the human civilization to avoid tuthre apocalypse. European Journal of Academic Essays, 3(3). 2017, 121-130.
阿部憲二. What is a serial killer? What is a mass murderer? How do they differ?. European Journal of Academic Essays, 4(4). 2017, 187-198.
阿部憲二. A solution to the ISIS problem. European Journal of Academic Essays, 4(4). 2017, 182-186.
阿部憲二. Unification of human-Nature sprit on the organic planet earth. European Journal of Academic Essays, 4(4). 2017, 175-181.
阿部憲二. 無差別殺人犯の正体. 学文社, 2016.
KENJI ABE. Eight Types of Childhood Environments thatActually Produced Serial KillersBased on the Information in Lay Literature and onthe Internet. European Journal of Academic Essays. 2015, 2(6), 32-38. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000438
KENJI ABE. Nine Types of Childhood Environment ThatActually Produced Mass Murderers Based on theInformation in Lay Literature and on the Internet. European Journal of Academic Essays. 2015, 2(7), 45-55. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000443
KENJI ABE. Compartmentalization and Dehumanizationas One of the Root Causes of Today’s G lobalConcerns. European Journal of Academic Essays. 2014, 1(11), 18-26. doi:JaLC DOI info:doi/10.50937/00000437
阿部憲二. 『教育問題の答』. 論創社, 2007.
阿部憲二. 『英会話攻略はこれしかない』. 洋泉社, 2001.
ゲストスピーカー. "小学校外国語活動に関するシンポジウム". 「小学校外国語活動に関するシンポジウム」山形県三川町教育委員会. なの花―大ホール, 2011.
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